Last night I tried to make a new soap with some new fragrance oils I just received. I never used these oils before and so I didn't kn0w what to expect with them. When it came time to blend my fragrance, I was working with two colors, so I poured it in the first color and stirred it around, then poured it into my 2nd color and stirred it around.
By the time I went back to my 1st color it had become SOLID. They call this seizing. I tried to remelt my oils but they were not having it. The saponification process had become too disrupted and I lost my soap! :-(
This is the FIRST time this ever happened, but I knew it would happen eventually. Today, I'm going to try to remake my soap, only I'm going to force my boyfriend to help me with the stirring process so the oils don't congeal as quickly and I'm going to not blend up the lye and base oils as much before hand. I had a pretty good trace when I tried to do it last night, I think if I lessen the trace before I add my fragrance oils, I will have a better chance.
I also read that if I add my fragrance oils to a little base oil before adding it entirely, I will have a better chance of it not seizing up.
Wish me luck on my 2nd try!! Will post my results shortly!
Don't throw it away! Have you tried rebatching? This would be the perfect time if you haven't. IF you soap it not lye heavy (zap test) cut the siezed soap into chunks and pop into an over safe bowl (enamel is what I use) and toss it in the oven, as low as your over will go (Mine is at 170*). It will get kind of translucent as it heats up. Use a potato masher and mash the soap up until it's, well, like mashed potatoes! Work quick to smush it into a mold.